Action pc games 2015 list
Action pc games 2015 list

That said, 3D continues to grow at a rapid pace and now that we see there is increasingly more 3D hardware out there, developers are really starting to show off just how amazing their games can look, according to Nvidia's Berraondo. "For casual gamers that's not going to be a huge problem, but as yet there's still no Peggle 3D… To start with it's uncomfortable, then you get used to it and half an hour to an hour later and it becomes uncomfortable once more.

action pc games 2015 list

"There is a bell-curve effect even with the best 3D hardware.

action pc games 2015 list

Within the flat plane of your screen your eyes are constantly having to re-adjust their focus and with such a short focal range on a desktop PC your eyes will soon be overworked. "This is why the active shutter glasses and 120Hz screen combo still inevitably leads to eye-strain. "Realistically 3D graphics engines have been fooling your eyes into believing in a three dimensional world for years, and even with this new 3D tech your eyes are still being fooled. Yet there are those in the PC gaming community that still need to be fully convinced by the allure of 'proper' 3D gaming, one of whom is Dave James, reviews editor over on PC Format magazine, who told 3Dradar: "As much as the hardware manufacturers want you to believe the only way to properly experience 3D gaming is via a 120Hz 3D-capable monitor with either GPU manufacturer's 3D setup it's still not true.

Action pc games 2015 list